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Prefinish Cumaru
Built to last
Some customers prefer to do a simple prefinished floor. This takes a bit of the craftsman out of the equation but I still enjoy working with wood.
Staircase Makeover
Stairs case and Banisters
This house had a wall on the top floor. I removed the wall. I installed beautiful Oak rails with thick 1 3/4" balusters. Nice bulky box newels gave this staircase a craftsman feel. I carried the new oak floors over the top edge with nosings. This customer eventually sold this house. It sold within a few days of listing.
Fir floor restoration
Some floors are on their way out. This floor had been sanded many times over the years and this was the last one possible. With planks falling apart I had to be very easy on it. It turned out great and I was happy to have brought it back to a thing of beauty.
“ Scott is a Master -very attentive to details. The restoration/refinishing of the floors and transitions is beautiful.”